æ Something established (ketentuan) for use as a rule or
æ Basis of comparasion in measuring or
æ Judging capacity, quantity, content, extent, value, quality. Etc.
æ Other types of documents which are considered to be standards are :
Ñ Procedures
Ñ Recommended practices
Ñ Groups of graphic symbols
Ñ Clssifications
Ñ Definitions of terms
æ Some of these considerd to be mandatory
Ñ The information is an absolute requirement
Ñ Adoption of a law or regulation
Ñ “Shall” and “Will” their requirements are not a metter of choice.
Ñ Codes are examples of mandatory standards because they have legal status
æ Some of these considerd to be non-mandatory
Ñ Nonmandatory standard would be a recommended practice, because it may provide alternative ways in which objectives can be accomplisehed.
Ñ Words “Should” and “Could”
Ñ The implication here is that the information has been put forth to serve as a guidelines for someone to perform particular task. However, it dosen’t mean that something is rejectable just because it fails to comply with that guidline.
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